Pressor sensor for hydrostatic pressure measurement in liquids, high-precision, robust, long-term stable ceramic measuring cell and with high overload resistance.
The effect of the air pressure on the liquid surface is transmitted and compensated via a pressure compensation tube through the sensor cable to the back of the ceramic membrane. The end of the pressure compensation tube ends in a small waterproof box, the interior of which is kept at ambient pressure via a DAE.
Set Interrupt Mode Feature, Set Interrupt mode for GPIO_EXIT. Downlink Command: AT+INTMOD
AT+INTMOD=0 Disable Interrupt
AT+INTMOD=1 Interrupt trigger by rising or falling edge.
AT+INTMOD=2 Interrupt trigger by falling edge. (Default Value)
AT+INTMOD=3 Interrupt trigger by rising edge.
Downlink Command: 0x06 Format: Command Code (0x06) followed by 3 bytes.
This means that the interrupt mode of the end node is set to 0x000003=3 (rising edge trigger),
and the type code is 06. •
Example 1: Downlink Payload: 06000000 // Turn off interrupt mode •
Example 2: Downlink Payload: 06000003 // Set the interrupt mode to rising edge trigger
function Decoder(bytes, port) {
//Payload Formats of RS485-BL Deceive
return {
BatV:((bytes[0]<<8 | bytes[1])&0x7fff)/1000,
Waste_water_tank_full:(bytes[0] & 0x80)? "TRUE":"FALSE",
//payload of version